Magairle Onoir was originally formed on the fifteenth sun of the fifth moon of deoch 39, the deoch of Ceannlaidir, by L'enfant Andrinor, with help from his wife Etayn Andrinor, his mother-in-law, Feena Kendris, and a commrade in arms, Asgall. It was a time of war and anger against the dishonorable. Danaan saw fit to wipe Temuair of its formation but that was for the best. Honor should not come from dishonor. Better to let the anger cool so the group could come together with clear minds. One deoch passed.

It was reformed during the twelfth sun of the 8th moon of Deoch 40, the deoch of Sgrios. Better the motley be formed during the deoch of death than the deoch of war, for it the death of dishonor that they wished, not the constant battle.

And so it was while L'enfant and his wife celebrated thier second anniversary, instead of their first, that Magairle Onoir was born. The second formation found a different commrade in arms at the side of the family instead of Asgall. In this incarnation, Witchmage gave his blessings. When all was in readiness, the oaths were spoken and Temuair beheld a new motley.
