(If our titles are confusing, the Maighistir is our leader, the Toiseach are our council, and a Toiceil is one of our members. An ` * ' by a name indicates that they were one of the founders.)

Cogadh Maighistir - L'enfant Andrinor* (retired)

Toiseach - Etayn Andrinor*

Toiseach - Trisette Andrinor

~ Toiceil ~


Adelith, Almalexia, Bremusa, Caeliann, Koudelka, Ravidel, Rothgan, Soulvizjerei, Tildian, Tiluen, Witchmage*, Wyvorne

~ Voted Positions ~

Banking - Koudelka

Event Coordinator - Caeliann

Secretary - Ravidel
